3 Interesting & Fun Ways Of How You Should Choose Your Ideal Badminton Racket

These are top questions asked when customers walk into our shop.

“How to choose a racket?”

“Which racket is right for me?”

“Should I use a heavy racket?”

Before we recommend them of what to buy, here are some questions we ask them to understand more.

“How often do you play?”

“Do you play singles or doubles?”

“Do you like to play offensively/smash often?”

In our mind we quickly switch to our seller mode and begin to find the ideal racket for you.

If you understand the basic feature of a racket, you won’t make those mistakes anymore!

Great racquet. love it. I’ve used Badminton Bays’ selector tool to narrow the list of possible racquets and then chose one I thought would fit my current abilities best and I was not wrong. 🙂 I’ve played with many different racquets before but this one is my current favourite from the first moment. light, fast, strong with great control. and I would like to let know staffs from BB and Apacs that before I’ve discovered BB and Apacs almost everybody at my gym played with Yonexes. now I can proudly say that at least 80% of racquets being used in our gym are Apacs purchased from BB at my recommendation. And everybody loves them. kudos to BB and Apacs teams.


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