1 Secret Technique to Improving Your Smash Timing, Accuracy, Power, & Consistency

1 Secret Technique to Improving Your Smash Timing, Accuracy, Power, & Consistency

You’ve followed the training and put in the practice, but your smash still feels inconsistent. Sometimes it hits, sometimes it misses. What if there was a simple technique that could transform your smash, improving its timing, accuracy, power, and consistency?

The secret lies in your armpit. Yes, you read that right.

Introducing the Armpit Targeting Technique

This revolutionary method, developed by Coach Han from Full Swing Badminton, is based on his extensive experience with students. He observed common mistakes and devised this technique to help players improve their smash.

Why Use Your Armpit to Target the Shuttle?

When you use your armpit to target the shuttle, it creates a gap between the straight line to the shuttle and your hand. This allows the grip and the extra speed from the racket head to generate more power at the moment of impact.

Watch the video clip demonstrating the angle between the hand and the hitting point.

Pointing at the target with your armpit is more accurate than using your elbow. Many players mistakenly believe the hitting point is an extension of the elbow, but this is incorrect. If you use your elbow to point to the hitting point, the shuttle will be behind the actual hitting point when you make contact.

The shuttlecock should align with the line indicated by your armpit. Typically, players use their elbows to set the hitting direction, but this is not effective. Using your armpit to set the direction and swing ensures better accuracy. Imagine a laser beam shooting from your armpit towards the shuttlecock.

Benefits of the Armpit Targeting Technique:

  • Improved Power: Turning your torso to point your armpit at the target connects the hitting point and the armpit. This motion allows you to generate power from the torso’s rotation.
  • Better Technique: It helps prevent dropping your elbow, keeping it high for proper technique.
  • Consistent Hits: Many amateur players fail to turn their torso, causing the hitting point to deviate. This technique ensures consistent hits.

Watch the video clip to see the “Armpit Beam” in action.

I tested this technique during a game, and it worked wonders. My opponent was amazed and even asked if I had upgraded to a better racket.

So, open up that armpit and smash away. Try it, and you’ll surprise your opponent!

Enjoy the full video here:

Happy Badmintoning!

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